After the the Content Marketing blog, a new service is now available: Limber Content Marketing Automation
What is Limber?
Limber applies marketing automation techniques to content marketing. In other words, Limber facilitates content management – blogs, white papers, e-books, videos, etc. – and maximize content visibility by automating distribution on all possible channels such as social networks, blogs or email.
Who should use Limber?
Limber is designed for communication and marketing professionals who are exhausted by the gymnastics required to make the most of social and content marketing: monitoring trending topics, produce content, illustrate it, choosing the right keywords (or hashtags), connect to multiple interfaces to post, promote or generate URLs … reconnect to promote again and again … and ultimately struggling when it comes to prove the return on investment of all this work! Limber is for those who wish to have a unique and effective platform to manage all their daily activities, from content and social media management to ROI analysis. We specifically address the following users: Community Managers, Content Managers, Traffic Managers and those responsible for lead generation and PR management.
Is Limber application free ?
Limber is totally free in Beta version and will remain so for all those who will become beta testers and for a period of 2 years. When version 1 is live, we will offer subscriptions for those who will make and extensive use of Limber and need advanced features.
What’s next?
At Limber we do not intend to be just another tool for “scheduling” tweets or shares, but we want to propose a simple but powerful tool to manage marketing activities end-to-end, from content marketing to lead generation. During the beta phase we will release new features every 15 days and ask beta testers to provide feedback and suggest improvements. And following the Beta phase that will last a few months, version 1 Limber will be launched!
As explained above, the work of marketers requires a lot of flexibility to use all the tools needed to write and illustrate content, promote it and analyze ROI. Limber provides that flexibility to users.
How can I become a Beta tester ?
It’s very simple, fill the registration form here. Once your application has been validated, you will receive a mail with your access to the platform. Enjoy!