How to optimise your LinkedIn content strategy to maximise its impact?

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LinkedIn has become a major player in content marketing, offering professionals a powerful platform to connect, share ideas and build their expertise.

However, to take full advantage of LinkedIn as a marketing channel, it is essential to optimise your content strategy…

LinkedIn, key figures and trends in 2023

A few key figures

  • 875 million users worldwide (April 2023)
  • More than 26 million members in France (including 13 million active daily users)
  • 2/3 of users are aged between 25 and 34
  • Engagement up 22% by 2022
  • More than 500,000 company pages
  • 6th largest social network in the world

LinkedIn trends

  1. Ongoing growth in engagement and use of LinkedIn as a professional content platform.
  2. Increase in video media on LinkedIn, with more users and brands sharing videos to communicate and engage with their audience.
  3. Development of messaging and interaction features on the platform, facilitating connections and conversations between members.
  4. Strengthening the presence of companies on LinkedIn, with increased use of company pages, targeted advertising and recruitment campaigns.
  5. Emphasis on authenticity and transparency, with a growing demand for authentic content and personal stories on LinkedIn.
  6. Evolution of LinkedIn’s advertising capabilities, offering new targeting and engagement options for marketers.
  7. Development of LinkedIn Groups, allowing members to connect, exchange ideas and create communities of interest.
LinkedIn on Limber

The LinkedIn algorithm parameters

The relevance of content

LinkedIn’s algorithm looks at the relevance of content relative to the user, analysing the user’s interests, connections and interaction history. It tries to display content that is most likely to interest and engage the user.

The commitment

Interactions such as likes, comments, shares and clicks create engagement around content. The more engagement a piece of content generates, the more likely it is to be distributed to a wider audience.

💡 How is the commitment calculated?
Consider each of our actions as a points system:

1 like on the post = 1 extra point
1 click on “See more” = 4 extra points
1 share = 7 bonus points
1 comment = 12 bonus points

The author’s reputation

This factor also plays a role in LinkedIn’s algorithm. Users with a good reputation for interaction and engagement on the platform may see their content better delivered.

The quality of content

LinkedIn evaluates your content to determine whether it is high quality, low quality or spam.

For content to qualify as high quality, and therefore have a greater chance of being promoted by the algorithm, the text must be readable, without spelling mistakes, not contain too many hashtags (between 3 and 5) and the content must encourage engagement.

The recency

The freshness of the content is also a factor. Recent publications tend to be more visible than older ones.

The type of content

LinkedIn promotes various types of content, including articles, videos, images and presentations. The algorithm can adapt the way it presents different types of content according to users’ preferences and habits.

Algorithm linkedin limber

Advocacy Marketing to maximise the impact of your communication strategy

What is Advocacy Marketing?

Advocacy Marketing, also known as ambassador marketing or referral marketing, is a marketing strategy that aims to mobilise different stakeholders (employees, associates, customers) to actively promote a brand, product or service within their personal network.

The main aim of Advocacy Marketing is to strengthen a brand’s reputation by leveraging the power of recommendation and the social influence of those involved in this strategy.

Why is Advocacy Marketing a winning strategy?

In Advocacy Marketing, employees, partners and managers are encouraged to become actively involved in communication by sharing the company’s content on their personal social networks and contributing to the creation of content to generate engagement. In this way, they become brand ambassadors (also known as Employee Advocacy).

It generates greater credibility, raises brand awareness, reduces advertising costs and encourages employee commitment.

Get maximum commitment by enlisting the help of your teams

Within the first 90 minutes LinkedIn shows your publication to a small panel of your subscribers to assess the content’s ability to get engagement. What better way to get maximum engagement than by enlisting the help of your teams?

Tools to simplify your Advocacy Marketing strategy

With Limber, you can easily delegate, automate and simplify your Advocacy Marketing strategy. Its features, such as Account Delegation and Publication Scenarios, make it simple and effective to generate engagement. Let’s take a closer look:

Delegating accounts to increase the reach of your content

By inviting your employees to connect their social accounts to your Limber platform and delegate them to your editorial team, you can benefit from their audiences to increase yours.

Different degrees of moderation are available to give them control over the shares you programme for them (total freedom, controlled freedom and automatic control).

To find out more about this Limber feature, click here 👉 Delegation of corporate accounts.

Publication scenarios to automate your content strategy on LinkedIn

By creating publication scenarios, you can plan the sharing of your content ad infinitum and avoid repetitive tasks!

Limber lets you create your customised scenario by selecting as many social accounts as you like (company accounts and delegated accounts of your ambassador employees) and then defining the timeline of your choice (adding intervals between each share, adding actions, etc.).

Once saved, you can reuse your scenario to share other content. It’s a great way to avoid time-consuming tasks!

Find out more about this Limber feature here 👉 Publication scenarios.

Limber has been designed to deploy your Leader / Employee Advocacy, Employer Brand and Social Selling strategies with ease. By encouraging your employees to share your content on their social networks, you can increase the size of your organic audience by up to 10 times and get up to 8 times the engagement rate.

Ready to get started?

💡 Discover the 5 key steps that will allow you to prepare, set up and optimise your Advocacy Marketing programme over time.

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