Generate Qualified Leads with Limber Call-To-Action

A Call-to-Action is an efficient and useful tool within the framework of a Content Marketing strategy. It even allows you to measure a precise ROI. Succeeding in attracting a user to your content is one thing but converting them into a customer is another! Fully customizable, Limber’s Call-to-Action can be applied to all types of content so that you can generate more traffic and qualified leads… if you follow the “good practices” discussed in this article!

Why put Calls-to-Action on your shared content?

The Call-to-Action is a graphic element that is placed on a web page and that motivates the user to undertake a specific action. By means of a form/formula or a button, they are invited to consult a related article, to download a white paper, to register for a webinar etc.

To attract visitors to your website, you have to create relevant, informative or entertaining content. Then, you distribute it to the largest audience possible to generate maximum traffic. However, generating qualified traffic is not enough, the objective has to be to transform these unknown visitors into identified prospects in order be able to contact them directly. To this end, the Calls-to-Action implemented in Limber are an effective lever to generate leads via the insertion of formulas on your content.

Limber is a SaaS platform that allows companies to make employees and partners into collaborators and increase the visibility of their content on social networks. Your content, indexed in real time, can be relayed in just a few clicks.

What is a Limber Call-to-Action?

Once set up, Call-to-Actions can be applied to all of the content shared from the platform. They can take several forms:

  • a link to another content.
  • a link inviting the user to follow a social account.
  • a contact form.

The contact forms coupled directly with a marketing automation tool (Hubspot forms, Marketo, Mautic, Aweber…) allow you to collect data from prospects. The databases remain centralized and make a lead scoring and nurturing strategy possible.

Call-to-Action to measure the ROI of your Content Marketing strategy

Call-to-Action can provide real advantages in a Content Marketing strategy. When the objective is to measure the ROI of content production, CTAs can become a formidable weapon to measure the number of leads generated from sharing. Thanks to Call-to-Action, each post across different social networks becomes an opportunity to make direct contact. The statistical tools then make it possible to know:

  • how many times the content has been seen and shared.
  • how many leads were generated by this particular CTA.
  • from which content.
  • on which broadcasting channel.
  • broadcast by which ambassador.

Limber Calls-to-Action can be added on any content, even with curated content. In other words, a company that shares third party content to animate a social media page will be able to benefit from these shares.

Call-to-Action to guide the user towards the purchasing decision

Adding Call-to-Actions also means accompanying the user in their buying process. To guide them towards other content (articles, white papers, videos, computer graphics, website…) that could interest them in order to enhance their experience and further demonstrate your position as an expert in the marketplace.

Within the concept of Inbound Marketing, Call-To-Action allows you to develop an issue in more depth. For example, it is possible to layer in content called “Consideration” following an “Awareness” article and finally lead the user towards “Actions” content. The configuration of a conversion tunnel, thanks to Calls-to-Action, landing pages and other forms, creates the buying path of your prospects. The user gradually becomes familiar with the brand, further navigates the site and could even make a purchase.

Limber CTAs have been designed to be displayed in a non-intrusive way and in accordance with good web practices so as not to restrict free navigation. However, they must be added to the right content, at the right time and via the right channel to capture the attention of visitors.

What are our tips to optimize your Calls-to-Action?

It is important to know that even if 90% of the visitors who read your title also read your CTA, much fewer than that will actually fill them out. On the other hand, 36% of the generated leads are qualified and 27% finalize the sale. The more the CTAs are adapted to your readership, the more these figures will increase!

1. Get their attention!

Favor clear and concise messages. Make people want to click in order to attract leads. Action verbs are the most frequently used. They capture the attention of readers who immediately understand the action to be taken. In other words, prefer expressions like “Download our eBook”, “Follow us” or “Try the free version” and avoid the “click here” that does not bring any added value.

2. Keep your promises!

It is frustrating for the user to feel duped and fill in personal information without getting the promised service. CTA’s goal for the visitor is to save time! Pay special attention to the links you add. The action performed must be what you promised!

3. Be careful with your contact forms. 

Get to the point! A long and tedious or too intrusive form does not encourage visitors to give you their contact information. A maximum of 3 or 4 fields are enough to establish contact.

4. Make it visible!

Your CTA should not look like an untimely pop-up. Take care of the graphic design (size, color, style, shading…) to preserve the graphic identity without being too aggressive to the reader. Limber allows you to fully customize your Call-to-Action (see video below) so that it fits in with the graphic design policies of your company.

5. Perform various A/B tests.

Thanks to Limber, you have access to the conversion rate of each of your CTAs. To measure their impact, you can compare the number of times it has been seen with the number of actions taken.

By adopting A/B testing, you will progressively refine your strategy by analyzing the impact of your latest Call-to-Actions. Some will work better than others, and it is by testing that you will find the best practices.

How do I configure a Call-to-Action with Limber?

In this short video (in French) you will learn how to create, configure and customize your Calls-to-Action with Limber.


To conclude, Call-to-Action, when used properly, is a very effective tool to generate qualified leads more directly from your content. It increases your notoriety by making you visible on third party content. It enhances the value of curation by making it a traffic generator. Coupled with a Content Marketing strategy, it also helps to measure the ROI of your marketing strategies. Finally, it encourages employees by quantifying the number of leads generated from their shares.

To learn more about Limber and its features, ask us for a free demonstration at [email protected]!

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