You have certainly invested time and energy in content distribution strategies for several years now to grow your communities on social media and hence strengthen your brand image. Your target group plays a key role in strategy deployment. Thus, it’s useful to be able to incorporate this very data into your daily use of Limber. Let’s take a look at why it’s important to be able to estimate the size of the audience that you can reach with Limber, but also how to target this audience qualitatively by industry and position.

Why should you measure your audience?
Know your potential audience immediately on Limber
Measuring the size of your target group is key to the success of communication and Employee Advocacy strategies. This data can be used to more or less precisely determine ahead of time how many people might potentially see your shares. Based on this information, it therefore becomes possible to evaluate whether your content strategy will be crowned with success. Knowing the size of your target group is therefore essential if you want to optimize your content distribution and thanks to Limber that is now possible!
Add up the audience of your accounts and pages
And without doubt, the moment that you edit your LinkedIN or Twitter shares Limber now displays the audience’s total for each channel that you can choose from. When you set up a multi-channel sharing scenario, Limber automatically calculates the cumulative audience of the chosen channels and allows you to see at a glance the total, potential audience that your shares can reach.
Maximize the scope of your scenarios
So now you have the possibility to know in advance the potential audience that you will reach when you edit shares. However, be aware that this does not necessarily mean that the shares, which you program will actually reach 100% of this particular audience. After all the entirety of contacts and subscribers is not necessarily active. Thus, there is no guarantee that they will see your shares. However, it provides you with a good estimate with regards to the potential.
Thus, when you create a multi-share scenario and use your Ambassador’s channels, be sure to add the Ambassadors with the most contacts to maximize your own, potential audience!
How do you target an audience with your LinkedIN shares?
Optimize your shares by presenting the adequate content to the appopriate audience
Targeting a specific audience is necessary if you want your shares to get viral on social media such as LinkedIn. Indeed, the algorithms of these networks favor publications that have a high engagement and click-through rate. Paradoxically, by applying precise targeting you will ultimately reach a much larger audience than if you had not targeted: by targeting, your publications will attain a higher «engagement rate» (number of engagements / number of views) and will be presented to more contacts of your contacts and followers (2nd degree contacts).
On Limber you can already target your shares based on language and location for shares on LinkedIn and Facebook pages.
In addition to these options, you can now target your shares on LinkedIn with two new, additional features:
- targeting according to the sector of activity of your contacts and followers
- targeting according to the position held by your contacts and followers
To learn more about all the available targeting options on Limber and to discover the details with regards to the basis upon which the size of the potential audience is actually calculated, please refer also to the following two articles:
- «How do I reach a target group with shares on my LinkedIN page?»
- «How is the potential audience for my shares calculated?»

Discover new opportunities with targeting options
Thus it is now possible to display shares only for a particular function (e.g. Purchasing, Administration, Consulting etc.) and/or a specific industry (Public Administration, Banking, Real Estate etc.) which opens up new possibilities for your content strategy.
These new targeting options are therefore an additional asset that allow you to test the distribution of your shares to qualified target groups rather than sharing indiscriminately … and inefficiently!