
“Shares” page

On this page you can view all of the shares created.

You can filter your shares according to several criteria:

  • By status: shared, scheduled, paused, error
  • By outgoing channel
  • By keyword through the search engine

You can also see:

  • The date and time of the share
  • Its distribution channel
  • The message and the content attached
  • The campaign which the share is attached
  • The total number of clicks, likes, favorites and retweets
  • An “Edit” button, allowing you to edit the share as it is not distributed yet
  • A “More” button, allowing you to pause or delete a scheduled share

Creating a new share

When clicking the Contents tab, you can access the list of all content.

To create a share, just click on the “Share” button (megaphone icon) for the content you want to promote. You must then select a campaign and one or several channels. If only one campaign is created, this one will be automatically selected.

You must at least have created one channel and one campaign in order to create a share.

Create multiple shares

With Limber, you not only have the ability to share your content on multiple distribution channels, but the platform also generates automatically several different shares for each channel.

After selecting a channel, a counter will appear. This represents the number of shares for that channel. Each new click on that channel will create a new share. You can create as many shares as you want on the same channel.

For each created share, you will be able to:

  • change the date, time and time zone of its publication
  • send it
  • edit it
  • delete it

When you edit a share, Limber offers multiple message options to choose from. To view them simply click on the arrows on either side of the message.

You finally have the possibility of adding new shares, spread your shares over time at regular intervals and extend the lifetime of your content.