Have you encountered an Instagram publishing error?
Sometimes an Instagram publishing error can occur while posting content on Instagram. It happens that these errors do not directly depend on the Limber platform.
That’s why, in this article, we’ve gathered the most common Instagram publishing errors and our recommendations on what to do if they occur.
1. The user is not an Instagram Business Account (error code “10”)
You may encounter this error if you switch from your Instagram Business Account to an Instagram Creator Account.
Publishing to a Creator Account is not currently available through the Instagram API, so we recommend switching your account back to a Business Account.
2. Instagram spam filter (error code “-1”, subcode “2207001”)
This Instagram publishing error happens when Instagram automatically triggers its anti-spam mechanism.
Since Instagram prevents anyone from bypassing its system, the app therefore does not share further information as to what caused this error message or how to avoid repeating this error.
Several explanations can be at the origin of this Instagram publishing error “2207001”:
- The text contains links or call-to-action text
- Your video contains too much “call-to-action” text
- The cover contains too much “call-to-action” text
- The image or video has already been used in the past (duplicate)
First, check if one of the elements mentioned above may be the cause of the publication error encountered and then make the necessary changes. Try again with other changes if the error persists.
3. The image format is not supported (error code “36001”, subcode “2207005”)
The problem here could be due to the resolution of the image. Instagram allows a maximum resolution of 1920x1080px for images.
Note that most posts that fail with this error message usually contain images with a higher resolution than allowed. To fix it, resize the image and try to post it again.
4. Page request limit reached (error code “32”)
It looks like this profile has reached its limit of API calls and we are unable to post to this account.
DAP : Daily Active People
The API call limit is based on daily active people (DAP): the more people who visit your page each day, the higher your API limit will be.
Thus, as soon as this limit is reached, your profile is locked by Instagram or Facebook and you will have to wait for it to be unlocked by the native platform.
5. Restricted user access (error code “25”, subcode “2207050”)
In case your Instagram account is inactive or restricted, then it goes through a checkpoint.
To reactivate your account, we advise you to log into the Instagram application and perform all the actions required by the application.
6. Aspect ratio is not supported (error code “36003”, subcode “2207009”)
Here, the Instagram publishing error is because the aspect ratio of the image should be between 4:5 to 1.91:1. First, start by cropping your image respecting the ratios mentioned or try again with an image in this range of formats.

7. Maximum number of publications reached (error code “9”, subcode “2207042”)
This error code 2207042 can occur if you have reached the daily posting limit: 25 posts published in a day. Therefore, we advise you to try again to publish an article the next day.
8. An unexpected error has occurred (error code “2”)
It is after 5 attempts that this unknown error occurs and its origin is unfortunately not determined. Therefore, we recommend that you try again to publish this same content a little bit later.
9. Download media timeout expired (error code “-2”, subcode “2207003”)
This means the Instagram connection timeout took too long. So you can try to publish the post again.
10. The media access has expired (error code “-2”, subcode “2207020”)
The media you are trying to access has expired. Please try to upload again.
11. Create media fail (error code “-1”, subcode “2207032”)
It is currently not possible to upload your media to Instagram. please try to re-create the media.
12. Unknown upload error (error code “-1”, subcode “2207053”)
An unknown error occurred while uploading. To fix it, generate new content and try again. This error usually only affects the import of videos.
13. Application request limit reached (error code “4”, subcode “2207051”)
Instagram restricts certain posts to protect its community and your post appears to be considered as a spam. Therefore, we recommend that you modify your post and try to publish it again.
14. Publishing has failed (error code “24”, subcode “2207006”)
The Instagram platform simply failed to post the desired content. We invite you to try again to share your content.
15. The media does not exist or has been expired (error code “24”, subcode “2207008”)
This is a temporary Instagram publishing error when publishing your Instagram post. You can try again once or twice within 30 seconds to 2 minutes. If that fails, try again by creating a brand new post.
16. Maximum number of tags reached (error code “100”, subcode “2207040”)
This error code 2207040 occurs if you have reached the limit of authorized tags(@): 20 per publication. Therefore, we advise you to use fewer tags @.

17. Post cannot be loaded (error code “100”, subcode “33”)
This can occur when trying to get statistics for a post. Instagram tells you that the post does not exist and therefore cannot be loaded due to missing permissions.
18. Tags retriever error (error code “110”, subcode “2207018”)
An Instagram publishing error appeared while retrieving user tags.

19. Invalid user (error code “190”)
This tells you that the Instagram connection has expired. We invite you to carefully check the status of the channel on the Channels page of your Limber platform.

20. The video format is not supported (error code “352”, subcode “2207026”)
Here, the Instagram publishing error is because the format of the video must be MOV or MP4 (MPEG-4 Part 14) file. We therefore invite you to import your video in one of these formats and try again to publish your video.
21. The media could not be fetched (error code “9004”, subcode “2207052”)
Media could not be fetched from the provided URI. First, check that the URI is valid and publicly available. Then, we advise you to repeat the operation.
22. The image is too large (error code “36000”, subcode “2207004”)
Error 2207004 informs you that the image exceeds the maximum file size: 8 MB. In order to fix it, use a smaller image and then try to publish again.
23. Maximum number of characters reached (error code “36004”, subcode “2207010”)
This error code 2207010 can occur if you have exceeded the maximum number of characters allowed for a subtitle: 2200 characters, 30 hashtags and 20 tags @. Therefore, we advise you to use a shorter subtitle.